Breaking the chains of opioid addiction

November 14, 2023

Breaking the chains of opioid addiction: An approach to reducing opioid use through medical cannabis   


The opioid crisis refers to a widespread and escalating health and social crisis in the USA characterized by the overuse of opioids, including prescription painkillers and illicit drugs. It is characterized by significant increases in opioid adddiction, overdoses, and deaths associated with opioid use. 

US study: Medical cannabis shows potential to reduce opiod doses

People suffering from persistent pain are often treated long-term with opioids, which comes with the risk of addiction and overdose. Medical cannabis has emerged as an alternative treatment for chronic pain, demonstrating its potential to reduce opioid use. A recent study from the U.S. concluded that patients who took cannabis-based preparations in addition to their conventional therapy were able to successfully reduce their opioid dosages over time. This approach was particularly successful in people who initially took higher opioid doses (2).

Medical cannabis in pain therapy

One of the main benefits of medical cannabis in the context of pain management for chronic pain is its ability to provide relief without the same risk of addiction and overdose associated with opioids. The cannabinoids found in cannabis interact with the endocannabinoid system in the body, which plays a crucial role in the regulation of pain, inflammation, and various other physiological processes. In addition to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), terpenes play a significant role in this process. Due to their pain-relieving (analgesic) effect, for example in beta-caryophyllene, humulene or linalool, they make a significant contribution to the possible healing process (1,3).



1 Riedewald, Gesa (2019): Terpene und ihre medizinischen Eigenschaften. Wichtige Cannabis Terpene in der Übersicht. Leafly Deutschland.

2 Schmidt, Joana (2023): Chronische Schmerzen: Medizinisches Cannabis reduziert Opioidverbrauch. Schmerzmed. 39 (Suppl 1).URL:

3 Starowicz K, Finn DP (2017): Cannabinoids and Pain: Sites and Mechanisms of Action. Adv Pharmacol. 2017;80:437-475. doi: 10.1016/bs.apha.2017.05.003. PMID: 28826543




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